Dear Fast Track Trading Community,

It is with a heavy heart that I share the news that Fast Track Trading has officially ceased operations. This decision was not made lightly, and it comes after many weeks of grappling with the challenges of disrupting an established industry. In the short time we’ve been here, we’ve worked hard to make an impact, introducing affordable instant-funded futures accounts and pushing major players to rethink their offerings. This was a new frontier for all of us, and we’re immensely proud of the mark we’ve made together.

As a young, growing company, we faced immense pressure while striving to bring change to a space that’s been set in its ways for years. Unfortunately, these pressures ultimately proved more than we could manage, bringing us to this difficult point. We are deeply sorry to all of you who believed in us and joined us on this journey.

For those with active accounts, we have set up a refunds inbox at We are committed to doing our very best to provide refunds as quickly and fairly as possible. Please reach out, and we will handle each request with care and integrity.

Thank you, truly, for your support, trust, and the time you’ve spent with us. I am profoundly grateful for each one of you, and I am hopeful that the changes we made will continue to benefit traders in the future.

With warmest wishes,

Scott Trieste

CEO & Founder,

Fast Track Trading